The Power Of The Present Moment

Lora Colautti
Jul 9, 2020

The here and now ROCKS! I'm talking about the real, true present moment. Not the story, or details you tell yourself when you think you are being present. Don't get me wrong, thoughts happen in the present moment too. But there's no 'juice' behind them. They just are. They move through noticed but not hooked into.

The true present moment is where it's at. Literally! In the present moment anything can happen, anything is possible and you are in total control. Bringing yourself back to the present can be done anywhere, anytime.

Being aware that you are not present, is the first step to becoming present. I see not being present as a necessary step to the practice of being present. (Isn't that a relief?)

In moments when you find your brain on over-drive the first step is to be conscious, to be aware of where your mind is at. To make the distinct shift to being present you may find it helpful to first take a deep breathe. Think of it as opening the door before walking into the present moment. Perhaps it will help you to say to yourself something like “Ok. I’m back” or “Here I am!” or simply “I am present”.

One of the ways to know if you are being present is to feel your body from the inside. When you’re still and present you can feel your lungs fill with air. You can feel your posture and the natural tingling of your skin.

Once you’ve checked in presently with your body you can do the same with your thoughts. Be in the physical, emotional and mental space of wherever you are in that moment. 

Being present gives you a chance to slow down and be still. It helps you to truly enjoy and experience life’s delicious moments. In the present moment you can make decisions, or take actions, from your aligned and authentic self rather than from your head. You can check in with how something is really making you feel and how a possible decision is resonating with who you are. 

After some time, and some practice, you will find that you automatically make the switch to being present. You won’t even have to think about it. You will be able to call upon your new found ability to be in the moment when you know it will help you the most. It’s like a good friend. It’s always there when you need it.