Sometimes Contrast Looks Like...

Lora Colautti
May 28, 2021

Ahhh contrast. No matter how life-experienced or spiritually-wise you are contrast will always be a part of your time in 'physical form'. And that's a good thing!

Contrast offers an opportunity to gain clarity about what you don't want to have as a part of life. With that knowledge and awareness you also have clarity on what you DO want.

It's the age old analogy of 'how can you know hot unless you know cold'. (I prefer 'how can you know you love chocolate ice cream unless you try the other flavours - all the other flavours.')

Sometimes contrast looks like traffic, a break-up, a diagnosis... All contrast, whether it feels big or small, plays an important and necessary part in your thriving, expanding and evolving. How you choose to be within the contrast, and who you choose to be through it and after it, are the key factors in how long the contrast will be present.

Before I continue let me make it very clear that I am not a 'Positive Vibes Only' kinda gal. Feel how you feel. Even the negative emotions are useful and beneficial, especially when you are present and aware. Because when you are present and aware of how you feel you can deliberately choose how long you stay there by how much focus and attention you give to whatever is inspiring the emotion within you.

When you find yourself in the middle of uncomfortable contrast a practiced reaction is to give it so much attention that you add to it and make it feel bigger, and by law of attraction look bigger, than it was when you first became aware of it.

Other practiced reactions to contrast are to push against it through anger or in an effort to make it go away, or to try and get to the root or cause of it by picking through it piece by piece.

What if you just experience contrast instead?

What if you recognize it's there (feeling negative emotion will let you know), observe it, be curious about it without letting yourself get hooked into all sorts of conversations about it?

What if instead of trying to fix what you think is wrong or broken you find a way to be more at ease within the discomfort and be with the contrast while it's there rather than trying to run as fast as you can away from it?

Rather than pushing against, tightening around, trying to solve or dissect the contrast what if you just be present, aware, curious and as at peace with it as you can?

How would that change your experience of contrast?

Who would you be during and after?

How would it feel?

If you want to feel emotional relief, if you want your contrast discomfort to last for shorter periods of time, if you want to experience and understand that contrast is not happening to you, it's happening for you, this is a worthy wellbeing-mindset-tool to try.

I encourage you to practice being with 'small' contrast this way first and then practice it with 'bigger' contrast. (I have small and bigger in quotes because it's all energy and small or big is only a representation of the amount of focus and therefor energy, you are giving to it.)

There is so much more I can share with you on Contrast, its benefits, how to navigate through it and use it to your benefit. To hear more on the conversation on Contrast and other wellbeing-mindset-tools join us as a part of the community in the Wellbeing with Lora Facebook Group!

To get started fine-tuning your own relationship with Contrast purchase your copy of the Wellbeing Love Notes eBook and Workbook today! Receive reflection questions, inspirational quotes and wellbeing-mindset reminders instantly that you can go back to at any time.

You deserve to feel good. And NOW is YOUR time.